Statements on Charlottesville

Charlottesville is a watershed moment in the fight to bury white supremacy as an ideology. It’s the thinking of criminals and has no legitimacy in the public discourse.

Symbols of hate: Take Em ALL Down from Color of Change

What Can I Do from NAACP

Statement from North Carolina NAACP

Today in Charlottesville by David Rovics

Charlottesville by Ted Glick

Statement from DSA (Democratic Socialists of America)

Statement in Solidarity with Activists and Victims in Charlottesville from National Committee of Solidarity

Statement from Old and New Project (

My letter to Trump from Barbara Lee

Statement from Kentuckians for the Commonwealth

Statement from SisterSong

National Urban League Statement
NEW YORK (August 12, 2017) —  National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial today issued the following statement on the violence in Charlottesville, VA: “Horrifying expressions of white supremacy and Nazi sympathies sadly are nothing novel in the United States, even in the 21st Century.  What is shocking is that these demonstrations – with apparent deliberate fatal assaults against counter-protesters – should take place without a clear condemnation from the highest levels of government. What we are witnessing is a failure of our national institutions. We in the Urban League Movement call  upon everyone with a voice on our national stage to condemn these demonstrations and these racist sentiments in the strongest possible terms. This is not who we are as a society and as a nation.”