Theresa El-Amin “So Long For Now” Party

Come celebrate the work of SARN in the Chattahoochee Valley!

Wednesday, December 7, 6-8pm
Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road
Columbus, GA

On December 6, 2010, Southern Anti-Racism Network set down roots in Columbus GA to expand the organization from North Carolina into Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina. It was a 5-year plan that moved Theresa El-Amin to Columbus GA to recruit SARN members to carry on the work of ending racial disparities in criminal justice, economic opportunities, education, environment/housing and health care.

A screening of a “working documentary” titled “The Columbus Experience” is expected. Poets and other cultural artists have been asked to share some rhymes.

Superintendent David Lewis is expected and has been asked to say a few words. Ministers, elected officials and others have been invited and will be offered opportunities to speak.

Theresa El-Amin will move to Durham NC at the end of January 2017. However, she promises to visit so often you won’t even notice she moved.

Refreshments will be served. Event is free and open to the public

Contact: Theresa El-Amin,, 919-824-0659 mobile