On Tuesday, September 25 – 5:30pm at Columbus Public Library Auditorium, 3000 Macon Road, parents of children with learning differences will tell their stories of fighting for the rights of their children to an adequate basic education.
Carolyn V. Edwards-Golden, Marianne Young and Suzanne Dawson Dunson have agreed to speak about their experiences with Special Education in the MCSD in Columbus GA.
Dr. David Lewis, Superintendent of Education, presented a proposal to the school board in March 2017 to hire Camelot Education to address the inadequate education services for students with special needs in the MCSD. After months of school board acrimony, the proposal was defeated in May 2017. Mary Lewis, Director of Special Education, resigned her post and returned to the classroom. Reports of teacher resignations, student and staff injuries have presented a picture of chaos in the Department of Special Education at the MCSD.
Dr. David Lewis along with Dr. Angela Vickers, Chief of Student Services and Dr. Joann Redden, Director of Special Education have been invited to answer questions about the state of Special Education in the MCSD. Questions will include the future of the GNETS program and funding for Special Education to hire the staff needed to serve a population of students who represent significant numbers of students who are suspended and arrested each year.
The Event Starts at 5:30pm
The event is free and open to the public. Sponsored by Southern Anti-Racism Network (SARN)
Contact: Theresa El-Amin, 762-821-1107 or pssarn@aol.com www.projectsarn.org