Community Forum

On Tuesday, March 6, 6pm, Southern Anti-Racism Network (SARN) will host a community forum to hear from candidates running for school board. Location is Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road, Auditorium.

Cognizant of the possibility that several candidates may run unopposed, SARN is calling for incumbents and other candidates to address issues of high suspension rates, low performing schools, school bus safety, SPLOST funding and hiring/employment practices for MCSD employees.

Matt Meyer, 30-year (retired) teacher from New York Public Schools and active in the Fellowship of Reconciliation will present on restorative justice practices as an alternative to exclusionary discipline.

The only candidate with opposition to date is Mark Cantrell in District 6. (See below). District 6 candidates Robert Roth and Eddie Obleton have confirmed.

The event is free and open to the public.

Contact: Theresa El-Amin, 762-821-1107 or