An alert from the US Section of the
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

WILPF and the Poor People’s Campaign Against the War Economy

Confront the military and arms industry: Lift your voice with other groups, with all of our numbers demanding policy changes.
Many of us will attend the Poor People’s rally in DC and related Code Pink events that weekend to build our power and influence for peace. Assembling a compelling force against the war economy is a major part of the PPC. Isn’t the 50% military cut long overdue? Let’s be a power that cannot be ignored and must be heard.
The war economy is front and center in the minds of those of us focused on peace. We see how the profit making military industry has navigated us into another war action while grimly enjoying the financial benefits of the devastation. The weapons industry has caused us daily grief in our communities through horrific gun violence.
Join us on June 18, because these times call for powerful actions! The objectives of the PPC extend beyond peace to undoing the five pillars of injustice for people and the planet. For the 140 million poor and low-wealth people in our nation who suffer from policy decisions that oppress them, the PPC demands justice. Systemic racism is at the root of much of the violence we struggle against. We must end it and the way it continues to keep a foot on the neck of so many of our brothers and sisters. Religious nationalism is a special kind of evil; it attracts some to fight against justice for their own neighbors, in the name of Christianity. Also, we unite to halt the devastation of Earth resulting from our unregulated capitalism. It is a threat to all of us, risking the annihilation of many forms of life.
These times call for a powerful assembly. Dr. King said that a lot of folks make promises and use powerful words but do not act when called upon. He referred to their high blood pressure of creeds and anemia of deeds. The DC Mass Rally calls attention to so much that we must work to change, even without any certainty of the outcome of our efforts.
This is the time for action and this is our cause! In the last few years we have seen a pandemic without health care, presidential elections without secure voting rights, and we’ve seen the multiplication of the wealth of a few people without attention to establishing justice for all people and our planet. We want and need justice for all and we want it now.
Rev. Barber said that democracy can not flourish amid fear, justice cannot rise amid rage. This nation must get to work. “It is our time, y’all.” Please show your support for this auspicious movement by attending in person on June 18.
Register to attend the June 18 Mass Rally as a WILPF member here. You can register for a bus ticket with the ride share on the same page. Meet up with WILPF in DC for the rally where we will all stand in unity with the campaign beginning at 10 AM ET on June 18. Engage with other peace groups to increase our collaborative efforts. If you plan to attend and have not contacted me, please do so for additional information at
You can still participate if unable to attend in DC. Your branch is receiving the buttons that show our WILPF and PPC logos together. Wear them to help publicize the Mass Rally! Write letters to the editor or op. ed. pieces to talk about the injustices the PPC is rising against!
If you can’t be in DC in person, please view — and encourage others to view — the rally and testimonies online beginning at 10 AM ET either here or on Facebook here.
Please contact us right away for additional buttons (at no charge) or our T-shirts in heather charcoal (for $20 each in sizes small to 2X large, but no mediums!) with the same two logos on the front. Email or text Jan Corderman by Monday, June 13: or — to text — (515) 205-4504.
We can all rise together, changing this system that is rigged against the people. With a huge moral movement, we can push from the bottom, to break through. Let’s all show up as powerfully as we possibly can!
Emily Keel
WILPF US liaison to the PPC